Friday, March 1, 2013


Hi guys, my name is Dot. I'm a 2008 model APHA pony mare, and I'm adorable. I was originally purchased to be my friend Jack's calf ropin' horse.... but I didn't really like the cows and I'm kind of a stubborn pony, so I convinced this young girl that feeds and cleans up after me that she should purchase me. I have lovingly named her Taylor. Taylor is really bad about getting on me and nagging constantly about where I should go and how fast I should be going, but I really think that I can break her of that habit. All it takes is a little persistence and I'm sure she'll see things my way. Anywho, I think Taylor has arrived to "exercise" me. Guess I have to log out and go run away from her in the field. She seems like she could use some exercise...

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